How to Build a Sex Dating ProfileSo you've decided you wanted to plunge into one of the most exciting ways to date. Using common sites for dating online is old hat, and honestly, probably not what you're looking for if you want to hookup for a one night stand. The basics are the same when setting up profiles, but unfortunately most people don't even know the basics. Read on for some tips to build your profile for not just dating, but dating with sex in mind.
Mention What You Like This is a big one that goes often overlooked because it's so obvious you might not even realize the importance. Something that a good profile does is show what you're like and what you're into. After all, if you're hooking up you want to be on the same page about expectations and what will get each of you off. Clearly dating the traditional way leaves something to be desired. That “something” is often direct-ness in the approach. Mention what you like. Be specific. Get into detail. Talk in your natural voice in a way that is confident, engaging, fun, and most importantly REAL.
Mention What You DON'T Like With that last point in mind, let's mention what we're not into. This one is just as important for the other person because it tells them right away if something is going to work out or not between you too. That being said, it's important to keep an open mind. Don't say you don't like something just because you've never done it before or you think you might not like it. Many people are into these sites because they can be completely, totally honest about what they want. Being receptive to this is your key to getting laid. So, to sum it up, mention only the things you actually know you don't like. A stray word here and there could mean the difference between a steamy night or staring at your profile for a few hours wondering where it all went wrong.
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